Money Matters: How to get help with school uniform costs

In this week’s Money Matters column, Wrekin’s debt and energy manager Dan Bebbington talks school uniform costs and what support is available for local families, plus where to look for the best bargains.

The start of a new school year can be an expensive time for families, with new uniform, shoes, PE kit and equipment to buy.

There are however a number of ways you can keep the costs to a minimum, and support is out there if you need it.

Firstly consider what items actually need to be replaced. Not all kids will automatically go up a size every September, and things like bags and stationery don’t need to be upgraded every year if they’re still functional.

If you do need to buy new, remember many supermarkets and clothes shops offer generic uniform pieces for a fraction of the price as branded items, so shop around before you commit.

You can get some great second-hand bargains on Facebook Marketplace and selling groups. Just search the name of your child’s school and filter the search results to your local area.

Another place to check is your local charity shops, which often receive donations from other families and suppliers themselves at this time of year.

Many schools sell their own second-hand uniform that has been donated. Contact your school to find out if they offer this.

If you are worried about the cost of uniform, your local council will be able to tell you what support is available in your area. Get in touch with them sooner rather than later, as some schemes will be over-subscribed and may run out of supplies.

Here at Wrekin we work closely with Telford Crisis Support, who have a range of pre-loved clothing available for free, covering the majority of schools in Telford. Go to their website to make a request.

There are no specific criteria to meet, and the charity aims to supply as complete a uniform as possible depending on availability at the time of the request. The scheme runs all year round, so it’s worth keeping it in mind even if you don’t need help right now.

Little Stars Charity in Shropshire is another organisation which provides donated school uniforms and PE kits. You will need to be referred for support via the charity's website by your child’s school, or another professional working with you such as a social worker or family support worker.

In Stafforshire, Pre-Loved Uniform Markets are planned over the coming weeks to help families from the Stafford and Cannock areas, thanks to a partnership between Stafforshire Libraries and the Salvation Army. You can find out more here.

You can also contact these charities to donate your children’s pre-loved uniform to help other families.

Now is also a good time to check whether you are eligible for any other support, such as free school meals, or help with childcare costs through Universal Credit or Tax Free Childcare.

If you’re a Wrekin customer and need help, please contact our Money Matters Team to find out how we can support you.

2nd August 2024